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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

oh help me dear doctor...

if you're gonna rip me off, at least rip off your uniform...
sometimes I don't know why I have health would be cheaper just to pay cash since I rarely visit the doctor. Sometimes I don't mind paying fir things like when the nurse starts putting her hands all over me...damn that feels good!!
I went in one time for a sore throat and the nurse put on some latex gloves and stuck her finger up my ass..and ya know what? I don't have any more sore throats!!
but if my rates keep going up up up, then the next visit I'm going to demand fulfillment of a fantasy.. real sex from the nurse in that little room!
I have individual insurance and one thing is certain: no matter what insurance you have, the rates always go up and they always use the same old excuse about health care costs going up as justification...I got the cheapo plan from Anthem Blue Cross and I've had Aetna and a few seems I'm constantly shopping around for decent premuim rates and coverage..but every plan ALWAYS raises rates..and that is the problem with for-profit health care...investors are more important than policy, my rates just went up and I got no increase in I'm getting ripped off again by these insurance shitheads..what a scam!
and since the goddam Tea Baggers don't want Health Care reform, they are complicit in this robbery and will be held accountable...
Congress has just opened a probe into Anthem Blue Cross business practices and I couldn't be't doing what it's supposed to do:
Congress opens probe into Anthem Blue Cross rate increases
Two House panels announce they are investigating the hikes, which take effect March 1. Lawmakers ask the company's CEO to explain the reasons for the increases.
"Reports of premium increases up to 39% are deeply troubling," Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-Beverly Hills), who chairs the energy committee, said in a statement. "At a time when millions of Americans are struggling to keep their health insurance, we need to know what possible justification there could be for increases of this magnitude."
U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) asked state Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown to investigate. In an interview, Brown said, "We are actively pursuing this matter," adding that his office was trying to determine whether state law on unfair business practices applies in this case. Meanwhile, Assemblyman Dave Jones (D-Sacramento), chairman of the Assembly's health committee, called on Anthem to rescind the increases and announced plans to hold a Feb. 23 hearing to examine Anthem and other California health insurers.
greed is not good..not good at all!

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