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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

plastic fantastic lover...

sex lies and videotapes.....
just when I thought things couldn't get any better, they do! First, I got quack Dr. Laura getting mad at southern man John Edwards and friends, who did what she did....slept around, conspired and lied about it! you can tell she's pissed off at these people who mirror her own slutty behavior by the names she calls them..I highlighted her angst in red...
next, I got a guy who invents a $7000 robot to replace fleshy women! why didn't I think of that..a plastic fantastic lover could have saved me a lot of pain and heartache over the years, but now maybe I can mend with the help of Roxxxy the Robot!!
Dr .Laura: By this time, you all know that former Presidential hopeful John Edwards is not longer hopeful about too much. According to press reports, Elizabeth Edwards has left him.
After the Clintons and many other high profile power couples’ personal issues with marital problems and affairs, I think we’re all pretty numbed and crass about it all.
This blog is not about affairs - it’s about another form of betrayal.
Andrew Young was a former aide of the Edwards’ who was personally intimate with them and a co-conspirator in John Edwards’ tacky affair and secrecy surrounding his illegitimate child. (hey Laura..children are not illegitimate!!) In fact, in addition to harboring the bimbo in his home, Andrew Young tried to take the credit for this baby to keep his boss in the limelight in a more positive way.
All of this has now hit the fan, and these three are no longer speaking. Andrew Young has written a "tell-all" book, "The Politician," which goes on sale this week. He maligns Elizabeth and John and even goes so far as to say that they both conspired to use her cancer diagnosis to promote John’s campaign for President. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but it just sounds so disgusting that I can’t wrap my mind around it.
What a despicable character Andrew Young is! First, for benefitting from his relationship with the Edwards family (with privileges, opportunities, trust, bonding, financial compensation, power and friendship), and then making money by betraying their confidences when he was a definite co-conspirator in everything they did (which he now criticizes). People who do that are scum.
Years ago, Eddie Fisher also wrote a tell-all book about the women he was intimate with, including Debbie Reynolds and Elizabeth Taylor. Why they, or any of the other women, had anything to do with that toad is beyond me, but they did. He did a "kiss and tell" book. Disgusting. All to make a buck. He betrayed the tender confidences of women who once cared about him.
I ran into him while he was on his book tour, and we were both appearing on a television interview program. He dared to come up to me to cheerfully introduce himself. I cut him short, saying I knew who he was, and that he was a disgusting human being and obviously not a gentleman for the book he wrote and now was hawking. He looked stunned, and that made my moment! I turned my back on him and then slowly, deliberately walked away. He was trying to say something to me, but I just didn’t care.
Instead of buying Andrew Young’s book demonizing Elizabeth and John Edwards, spend that money on buying some good children’s books for your local school library.

hello woman of my dreams, this is not the way it seems....
Las Vegas, Nevada (CNN) -- To some men, she might seem like the perfect woman: She's a willowy 5 feet 7 and 120 pounds. She'll chat with you endlessly about your interests. And she'll have sex whenever you please -- as long as her battery doesn't run out.
Meet Roxxxy, who may be the world's most sophisticated talking female sex robot. For $7,000, she's all yours.
"She doesn't vacuum or cook, but she does almost everything else," said her inventor, Douglas Hines, who unveiled Roxxxy last month at the Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Lifelike dolls, artificial sex organs and sex-chat phone lines have been keeping the lonely company for decades. But Roxxxy takes virtual companionship to a new level.
Powered by a computer under her soft silicone "skin," she employs voice-recognition and speech-synthesis software to answer questions and carry on conversations. She even comes loaded with five distinct "personalities," from Frigid Farrah to Wild Wendy, that can be programmed to suit customers' preferences.
"There's a tremendous need for this kind of product," said Hines, a computer scientist and former Bell Labs engineer.
Roxxxy won't be available for delivery for several months, but Hines is taking pre-orders through his Web site,, where thousands of men have signed up.
"They're like, 'I can't wait to meet her,' " Hines said. "It's almost like the anticipation of a first date."
Women have inquired about ordering a sex robot, too. Hines says a female sex therapist even contacted him about buying one for her patients.
Roxxxy has been like catnip to talk-show hosts since her debut at AEE, the largest porn-industry convention in the country. In a recent monologue, Jay Leno expressed amazement that a sex robot could carry on lifelike conversations and express realistic emotions.
"Luckily, guys," he joked, "there's a button that turns that off."
Input-output-electricity..but the lines overloaded and the sparks started flying..and the loose wires were lashing out at me...

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