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Saturday, February 6, 2010

that's retarded!

a word with ways...

I know there are a lot of retards out there and some probably even read this retarded blog, but I think folks are getting a little too sensitive lately. Take Sarah Palin for example..she was really upset with Rahm Emanuel, White House Chief of Staff and wants him to resign because he used "retarded" in a certain context unrelated to people with developmental issues..but when Rush Limbaugh made fun of Special Olympics kids, she just said he was being, all this faux concern of Sarah is because she has a child with Down's Syndrome named Trig..I don't think Trig is retarded but I do think Sarah is way retarded! so's Michelle Malkin! so's Gina Perry who had a sex change operation and is writing at Noozhawk under the name of Daniel Petry! a very retarded runt!
The word "retarded" doesn't have to imply you are making fun of anyone with a development means arrested development and implies nothing about a certain segment of anyone could be retarded..even me! It's not likely since I'm superior emotionally, mentally and physically to most of you, but it could still happen. I think Sarah's just over-reacting and blaming everyone for her son, whom she obviously hates..BTW, Sarah is a key speaker at the Nashville Tea Party Convention..all those fearful folks draped in American flags, waiting for to be saved..there's still tickets available!
Now, is KTYD retarded? Some ways, yes...I called in to the morning show with David Perry and Julie Ramos...Julie answered and I asked her why the song they were playing "Money" by Pink Floyd had the word "bullshit" edited out..she gave me a really retarded answer: "well, it's been that way for years, right David"...then I pressed her a bit more.."well, someone complained so we play the uncensored version after 10:00 pm"...I pressed again then she got a little pissed off and said" look man, you're talkin' to the wrong person..the powers that be decide these things"....
totally retarded answer Julie!! I'm offended that KTYD censored a great song!!, if you changed on letter in "retarded" and came up with "retarted"..nobody would be upset.....say the word and you'll be free...

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