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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Was Micheal Steele Pulling the Race Card?

If he was, so what!

Micheal Steele can’t seem to catch a break since he’s been head of the RNC.

I’ve had disagreements myself with fellow Conservatives over his perfrormance. My view has always been the same—let the man do his job and keep any critcism private between you and Mr. Steele.

Unfortunately, I’m just a very small fish in the ocean of Conservative blogs.

But, what sense does it make to hammer Steele publically when Lib blogs and the rest of riffaff on the Left will be all to happy to exploit this carping for political gain?

Having spoken my peace, Plum Line reports that Steele gave an interview in the February issue of Washington Magazine in which among other things Steele allegedly says:

“I don’t see stories about the internal operations of the DNC that I see about this operation. Why? Is it because Michael Steele is the chairman, or is it because a black man is chairman?”

Hey, some of you want to charge Steele with pulling the race card, that’s you’re prerogative.

But, race is sometimes a factor in this country.

And I’ll give you an example.

I used to be a New York Jets fan, season tickets and all that.

I root for the New York Giants now.

I’m an old school New York sports fan and you don’t change allegiances that easily. And the reason I left the Jets is because the way team management and the fans treated Herman Edwards, an African American head coach.

Edwards coach the Jets for five years. The Jets made the playoffs 3 of 5 years under his leadership and the 2 yrs that they didn’t make the playoffs, the Jets lost their starting QB for the entire season.

The New York Jets have been a perennial mediocre/bad tean for their entire history. The most noted expression associated with the Jets; “Same Ole’ Jets” after breaking their fans heart once again.

What Edwards did was a significant achievement!

But, that wasn’t good enough for the fans who acted as if the Jets were the football version of the New York Yankees.

I’m not one to bring up “racism” that easily, but I’m sure in my bones if Herman Edwards were White, he’d still be coaching the Jets today.

I’ve been a Republican since 1982, and I truly can’t recall any RNC chairman being knocked around by party members as much as Steele has.

So, if that’s the way Steele feels, brother I understand.

Via Plum Line

Via Talking Points Memo

Via Memeorandum

From The Last Tradition

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