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Friday, June 25, 2010

cheap thrills...

just close your eyes... and she'll be there....

orgasms...what are they and why are they causing so many problems? well they're things that happen when you have sex....I have had my share over the years and you could have a few a day.. or if you're older a few a month or if you're younger 300 per day...perhaps the city council could come up with an ordinance to put a cap on these things...but what makes orgasms different? like say with a different woman comes a different thrill, you know what I mean? I 've had three really top notch Os in my life and I guess it was because the girls were superfine..clear eyes, luscious lips, no body work, smelled felt like iron maiden butterflies were guiding my boys in a vice grip then BAM!!..or something like that..insane!
others were just kinda run of the mill do your duty for god and country kinda thing...but I always think on the gals that had the real goods..the kind of girls you write literature about..
and dream about the next one..maybe a French woman?? a pretty ballerina?? "had a date with a pretty ballerina, her hair so brilliant that it hurt my eyes"....
hey is global warming making Al Gore too hot?? seems like he's hooked too....
some girls have requested some odd stuff from me that, due to my innate conservatism, I couldn't possible oblige them..I am as perverted as the next guy, but I do have limits..just so you know.. I can't pee on demand!!
I mean if you want a weird thrill, jump out of an airplane or something, but don't think I can grant all your wishes..hey, try the Dream Foundation or some other nonprofit!
and when I go into Santa Barbara I pass by the county administration building and have you noticed the sculpture's a big O! you really can't get away from this so that's why we should talk about it now and get it out into the know the old saying: when in doubt, whip it out...

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