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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Mexican Gangs Maintain Permanent Lookout Bases in Hills of Arizona

When a big story breaks and takes over the news cycle like Gen Stanley McChrystal’s comments in Rolling Stone concerning the wimps in the White House, I always try to find another story that’s just as important, but falls through the cracks.

Look, we all know that Obama is a very weak president who doesn’t scare anybody in this world.

Facts are facts.

The man is a pussy!

As such, we Americans are put in some serious danger with a man like that in the White House. It’s only because the grace of God, that this country hasn’t been attacked on a massive scale.

However, we are suffering from a death of a thousands cuts; high unemployment, foreclosures in record numbers, more domestic terrorists attacks on American soil, and this situation that’s happening in Arizona.

From Fox News:

Mexican drug cartels have set up shop on American soil, maintaining lookout bases in strategic locations in the hills of southern Arizona from which their scouts can monitor every move made by law enforcement officials, federal agents tell Fox News.

The scouts are supplied by drivers who bring them food, water, batteries for radios -- all the items they need to stay in the wilderness for a long time.
Click here for more on this story from Adam Housley.

“To say that this area is out of control is an understatement," said an agent who patrols the area and asked not to be named. "We (federal border agents), as well as the Pima County Sheriff Office and the Bureau of Land Management, can attest to that.”

Much of the drug traffic originates in the Menagers Dam area, the Vekol Valley, Stanfield and around the Tohono O’odham Indian Reservation. It even follows a natural gas pipeline that runs from Mexico into Arizona.

In these areas, which are south and west of Tucson, sources said there are “cartel scouts galore” watching the movements of federal, state and local law enforcement, from the border all the way up to Interstate 8.

“Every night we’re getting beaten like a pinata at a birthday party by drug, alien smugglers," a second federal agent told Fox News by e-mail. "The danger is out there, with all the weapons being found coming northbound…. someone needs to know about this!”

Full story

President Obama is letting Arizona fend for itself and shirking his responsibility to secure the border, for strictly political reasons.

That’s evil in my opinion.

Via Fox News

Via Memeorandum

The Last Tradition

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