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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Idiot Eric Holder and other Obama Stupid Obama Officials Announce Al Qaida Link to Subway Bomb Plot

How dumb is Eric Holder and the rest of the Obama regime to go public with information that should have remained secret from our enemies to protect our national security?

But, this is how desperate the sinking Titanic that is the Obama presidency has become.

All these political hacks from Barack Obama on down through Eric Holder know how to do is strike a pose and give a speech as if that in itself is an indication of their competence.

Well, it indication no such thing other pure amateurism. “Oh, look we have a link with al Qaida to a subway bomb plot in New York City!”

Oh, isn’t that special. Do you have Adnan Shukrijumah in custody?

“Uh, no. But we have a link.”

Oh, so now he knows and the rest of al Qaida knows what you know. That’s really smart, right?

From The New York Post:

U.S. counterterrorism officials have linked one of the nation's most wanted terrorists to last year's thwarted plot to bomb the New York City subway system, authorities said Wednesday.

Current and former counterterrorism officials said top
al-Qaida operative Adnan Shukrijumah met with one of the would-be suicide bombers in a plot that Attorney General Eric Holder called one of the most dangerous since the 9/11 terror attacks.

Federal prosecutors in Brooklyn have named Shukrijumah in a draft terrorism indictment but on Wednesday the Justice Department was still discussing whether to cite his role. Some officials feared that the extra attention might hinder efforts to capture him.
Shukrijumah's involvement shows how important the subway bombing plot was to al-Qaida's senior leadership. Intelligence officials believe Shukrijumah is one of the top candidates to become al-Qaida's next head of external operations, the man in charge of planning attacks worldwide.
Full story

This announcement is nothing more than PR stunt to try and give the impression that Eric Holder and Barack Obama knows what they’re doing.

We’re better off with the Keystone Kops.

Via New York Post

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