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Friday, July 30, 2010

Drama Queen Anthony Weiner (D NY) Throws a Hissy Fit on the House Floor

And the winner for the Best performance by a male actor in a leading role goes to….Anthony Weiner my homebody from Brooklyn.

The House voted down a bill to help 911 First Responders.

But, the Democrats who can’t run on Barack Obama’s agenda because the president (community organizer-in-chief) has an approval rating in the low 40s and falling fast, desperately needed something to take to back home to the voters for the summer recess.

So the Democrats fabricated a set-up for the voting of the 911 bill by requiring a 2/3 majority vote for passage instead of a simple majority of 50% plus one.

Thus, the deceitful Democrats knew all along that they wouldn’t get the 2/3 they needed, by design, to pin the blame on the Republicans.

This is what’s known in New York as a Charlie Rangel special screw.

Ladies and Gentlemen, here is Weiner Theater

Did you see the spit flying off his face?

Outstanding, Anthony, Bravo!!!

Today, Weiner and Pete King both appeared on Fox, and Weiner continues to make Charles Rangel proud by lying his ass off concerning the bogus vote.

It’s Friday, and the Democrats needed a bone thrown their way.

Croos ref Memorandum Memeorandum

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