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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Stalinistic CNN Talking Heads Upset at Internet Bloggers Over Shirley Sherrod Fiasco

Watch this video and see how much these two CNN talking heads have contempt for the United States Constitution.

Forget about Shirley Sherrod because she’s being used as a pretense for what Liberals really want deep in their heart-totalitarianism!

Read these two incredible quotes posted on NewsBusters from the video.

"There's going to have be a point in time where these people have to be held accountable," Phillips said.

"How about all these bloggers that blog anonymously? They say rotten things about people and they're actually given credibility, which is crazy. They're a bunch of cowards, they're just people seeking attention."

You see how disingenuous these two are? They’re injecting “anonymous blogging” into the conservation when it has nothing to do with the Shirley Sherrod case.

That’s done purposely to plant the idea in the audience mind’s that what they’re saying is legitimate and hiding their true intent-shut down any thoughts and opinions they disagree with.

Hugo Chavez would love these two!

"Well what Andrew talked about with me was this idea of a gatekeeper but there are huge first amendment rights that come into play here - freedom of speech and all that. And he said the people who need to be the gatekeepers are the media to check into these stories," said Roberts.

Welcome to 1984!

Thees two are praying for Big Brother to step in and clamp down hard on Conservative bloggers. What should scare many people is that two CNN hosts don’t see anything wrong with less free speech.

Who gets to be the “gatekeepers”, or more accurately the “thought police” George Orwell wrote about in his book, 1984?

The media?

The government?

The mainstream media are not journalists anymore. They don’t report or investigate, they parrot, they advocate, and they cheerlead for a Left Wing agenda.

However, when the topic of the story is “conservative” or contrary to the Left Wing agenda, then they turn back into real journalists again.

Let me tell you something.

The internet is the last unfettered bastion of free speech-period!

Can you find a lot of garbage on the internet?


You can find garbage walking out your front door or even in your own house. You see it, and you deal with it as such. However, these two CNN idiots are telling the America she too dumb to recognize the garbage. She needs a “gatekeeper” to keep it away from her for her own good.

It’s all for the public interest!


Think about how worse off the country would be without Conservative bloggers or the internetitself?

If all you had was ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC websites doing what they normally do, this country becomes Venezuela, it becomes Nazi Germany, it becomes Stalinist Russia, and it bocomes North Korea-all free speech is dead and gone and what its replaced with is one collective view of what the government decides.

And we’re no longer free people trying to pursue happiness for ourselves. We become slaves of the state and they tell you to be happy with what they give you in the name of fairness for all.

Is that what you want?

Here's a true story!

Via NewBusters

Via Memeorandum

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