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Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Mets Fan’s futile Plea to Fred Wilpon: Sell the New York Mets and Get Lost!

As the trade deadline passed at 4:00 pm Eastern Standard Time, the New York Mets did nothing to improve the team.

So what else is new?

Rumors are that Fred Wilpom, owner of the Mets has been financially devastated by swindler and con man Barnie Madoff who is currently serving a 150 year prison term.

And to add to that miserable news, former Wilpon employees filed a lawsuit against the Mets owner for lost retirement funds that has left them with no nest egg for their retirement years.

Let me speak for all Mets fans by saying we don’t care about Fred Wilpon’s financial problems.

For far too long before the Madoff thing ever happened, Mets fans has suffered the pain of having an owner who has always operated the Mets as if he were living in Kansas City instead of New York.

We have to suffer the indignity and the taunts by Yankee fans year after year for having a team that is just good enough to be mediocre.

We are tired of this and are tired of the Wilpon regime!

Fred, I have a solution for you.

If you no longer have the financial wherewithal to compete in New York as a big market team, then sell the Mets to some other wealthy New Yorker who does.

You’ve owned the Mets for nearly 30 years and have only 1 championship to show for it. That may be better than what the Chicago Cubs have done, but it’s not good enough for Mets fans anymore.

Sell the team, repay the money you lost for your employees, and free Mets fans from the purgatory you have us all in.

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