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Thursday, July 22, 2010

President Barack Hussein Obama Hits New Low Only 44% Approval on Target to Surpass Jimmy Carter as Worst President Ever

It’s all beginning to crumble for the one time community organizer now president!

The sham that always was but was deceitfully package by a lovesick and panting media is wilting before America’s eyes under the harsh light of day.

As much as the media tied to sell a lie, Barack Obama was never real. He is a fanciful wish, a yearning for a leader who would lower the oceans and heal the land.

But, as the old saying goes, “what a tattered web the media weaves when Chris Matthews and Keith Olberman practice to deceive!”

You can’t fake the presidential funk, no matter how good the teleprompter may be.

Barack Obama was never the centrist he portrayed himself to be. Joe the Plumber tried to tell America as much. But, he got mocked and given a full rectal exam by the media-gatekeepers who wanted to continue perpetrating a fraud.

But, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has a way of breaking down the pretenders and what’s left is an ugly scab with Southside of Chicago roots and a Jeremiah Wright prayer against Whitey in his heart.

We can really see you now, Barry!

New York Post

How low can President Obama's approval rating go?

Pretty low, it appears.

The president's approval rating reached a new all-time low, according to a national Quinnipiac survey released yesterday.

The survey finds that just 44 percent of registered voters approve of the job he has done as president -- his worst score ever -- with 48 percent disapproving.

“It was a year ago, during the summer of 2009, that America’s love affair with President Barack Obama began to wane.
In July of 2009, the president had a 57 to 33 percent approval rating," said Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

Obama has made some very unpopular decisions over the past year, including passage of the healthcare reform package that many polls found most

Americans did not favor, policies that have not revived a bad economy and a delayed response to the oil spill that has ravaged the Gulf of Mexico in recent months.

For example, 56 percent of voters disapprove of Obama's handling of the economy, 51 percent disapprove of his response to the BP oil spill and 58 percent disapprove of the way he has gone about dealing with illegal immigration, including a whopping 60 percent who said the feds' lawsuit against Arizona was a bad move.
Full story

Via New York Post

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