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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Anita Dunn, Obama’s Communications Czar, “We Control the Press!”


Anita Dunn, admitted that the type of press coverage she and the president likes, is one that they can control!

So, it shouldn’t be surprising that the White House put the Fox News Channel on its Enemies List for being the only professional news organization left in the United States.

By her own words in this video, Dunn has confirmed what many people in this country had already known, namely, that journalism outside of Fox is dead, and that the other news outlets (NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC) have totally renounced their journalistic integrity to become stenography hubs for the Obama administration.


Reverend Jeremiah Wright was interviewed on Fox by Sean Hannity a whole year before the mainstream media ever mentioned his name.

The Van Jones story of his self-proclaimed communism was only reported on Fox while the mainstream media totally ignored the story.

There are many other instances were the MSM shields President Obama from newsworthy information the public has a right to know but can hurt his presidency.

This is truly unfortunate.

The sad part of this story is that Dunn and President Obama do not recognize that they share traits with totalitarian regimes like Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, Hugo Chavez's Venezuela that believes controlling the media is critical for controlling minds.

Thankfully, the United States and the forces of freedom that’s deep in our collective DNA, has been around much longer than Barack Obama and Miss Dunn. The freedom wave can be seen in Fox News’s ratings explosion because the people are not stupid.

They see past the president’s phony facade of centrism.

They see beyond the teleprompter aided rhetoric of Big Government Liberalism.

They see beyond and can recognize that there’s nothing new about President Obama and what he’s trying to do.

President Obama is Jimmy Carter and George McGovern encased in half African American and White skin, thus making him the “perfect” Democrat candidate that would attract White voters and give them license to relieve their “White Guilt” once and for all by support him.

As for African Americans, those votes were already in the bag even if Obama were polka-dot. Let’s be real.

We as a country may have to endure some pain for a while. But as former Texas’ Solicitor General, Ted Cruz, once said, “I believe that Barack Obama’s greatest legacy as president will be that he inspired a new generation of conservatives to rise up and defend our liberty.”

We’ve already seen evidence of this thanks to 25 yr old James O;Keefe and 21 yr old Hannah Giles who showed the world how corrupt ACCORN actually is on hidden video tape.

Sometimes you have to ensure a necessary evil to get to the ultimate good!

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition

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