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Tuesday, October 27, 2009


be KIND to each other...

the outcry over pot dispensaries is rather silly...first of all, all weed should be legalized...grow a little in your house or garden and smoke a doobie every now and then..not a problem. and medical marijuana is perfectly legit..if it helps ease the pain, use it. It's legal in California and now the feds will stay out of our business..I personally don't use grass, but the more folks who do increase my chances of success by reducing the clear- thinking competition, thus I win. The medical snop actually should be packaged and sold in pharmacies where all the other drugs are sold. The casual users could buy theirs in liquor the outcry from the conservatives who think a hippie smoking granny's panties will kill them and their family like Charlie Manson did is a little nutty... a beer drinking redneck is ten times more dangerous!!
you see, Aunt Mary is just another drug Americans use to escape the culture for's been around since the beginning of what's the big deal...if wacky tobacky were legal, those who don't need it won't seek it out, and there will be less moocah related crime!
Where we should be concentrating our efforts is the drug companies who advertise killer drugs on TV...high praise for the legislation introduced by, among others, Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.), would cut off the federal tax deduction for drug companies that make those "direct-to-consumer" ads, the ones on TV convincing you to pop prescription drugs like candy. There's plenty to hate about those ads. They're ubiquitous, for one thing. They manage to be misleading without being downright untrue. They play into the "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" category, because you've got people self-diagnosing without understanding that, in some cases, the side effects can be worse than the underlying condition. ("Death" is one of those annoying side effects.)
drugs are a big business and lord know we don't need most of them, so get back to drug, Excedrin, Nyquil, a little wine and perhaps an occasional hit of Maui Wowie..
that's all you really need!

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