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Friday, October 23, 2009

It’s Time to Put Newt Gingrich in Old Folks Home

Thank you, Newt for your service, the Contract for American in 1994 was great, and all that, but it’s time for you to fade into the sunset and not be heard from again. It’s time to wheel you into the Home for Useless Republicans, tie a bib around your neck and call it a career.

Newt Gingrich and the Republican National Committee is officially on my list as being part of the problem with the Republican Party for endorsing Dee Dee Scozzafava in New York’s special election for the 23rd congressional seat who not only has the backing of Planned Parenthood and The Daily Kos, other indignities include her support for Homosexual Marriage, Abortion Rights and Card Check.

Something is terribly wrong with the Republican Party when Newt Gingrigrich supports a Liberal Republican and Sarah Palin endorses a Conservative, Doug Hoffman, for the same seat. If we can’t get on the same page for a stinking little congressional district, how can we ever expect to reclaim the White House?

This party better get its act together or we’ll be stuck with President Barack Obama for the next 7 years and 2 months.

In the words of Casey Stengel, “Does anybody know how to play this game?”

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition

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