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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Charles “Corrupt” Rangel Continues to Serve Pork

There’s nothing wrong with swine in ole’ Charlie’s book, the greasier the better. As House Republicans introduce a resolution today calling for the ouster of Charles Rangel from his chairmanship of the influential House Ways and Means Committee, its been revealed by the New York Post that Rangel has earmarked a $3 million grant to City College in New York.

Coincidently, City College just happens to have a $30 million project in the works for the Charles B. Rangel Center for Public Service that will immortalize his name and house his papers when he retires from office. Would that include all the missing money and apartment leases in Washington D.C., New York City, and the Dominican Republic?

I’m just asking?

Ole’ C.C. tucked away the grant inside the recently introduced Defense Appropriation Bill moving through congress. The purpose of the grant is for CCNY to create a high performance multi-threat vehicle armor to protect against explosives.

Rangel said, “Developing lighter-weight armor for military vehicles will ultimately saves lives and lessen horrific injuries to troops caused by road-side bombs. I couldn’t be more proud of CCNY’s involvement in this partnership with DoD and the private sector. This has nothing to do with the Rangel Center.”

Of course it doesn’t, C.C!

This is how Charlie Rangel demonstrates that he is the type of politician that can go through a revolving door behind you and come out ahead of you.

The rationale for the grant is purely false because in South Carolina a company known as Force Protection is the world's leading manufacturer of ballistic- and blast-protected vehicles, which have been used to support armed forces and security personnel in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo and other hot spots around the globe.

But, don’t look for the Democrat party to label this dubious grant as nothing more than wasteful pork spending given to the friends of Charlie Rangel for the sole benefit of Charlie Rangel.

The slickster continues to slick.

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