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Friday, October 30, 2009

The Democrats New Bogus “Created or Saved” Statistic

The only thriving industry in Obama’s economy seems to be the “focus group” firms. Can you imagine where the Democrat Party would be without them?

They wouldn’t be able to walk and chew gum without these businesses telling them how to think and speak. They wouldn’t know what buzz words to use in their speeches and press conferences.

Yeah, throw in a lot of words like “choice”, “competition”, or “insurance company profits”. Everybody likes to have a “choice”. People think “competition” is good. Most people hate “insurance” companies.

But the latest invention of the focus groups is the “created or saved” job statistic. And the Dems have latched onto this phrase like a crackhead jonezing crack. But, are these statistics really valid?

Please, they’re as valid as Charlie Rangel being the Chairman of the House Ways and Means committee.

The only jobs government can create are jobs working for the government. Although these hirings may slow down the unemployment rate, it’s an artificial solution that doesn’t solve the underlying problems of high unemployment.

Governments can’t hire their way out of recession and into recovery.

True recovery only happens when the private sector starts hiring again.

So what is a saved job?

It’s pure hogwash!

This bogus statistic is a fraud intended to deceive a misinformed public into thinking the Obama Administration has a clue of what’s its doing.

This is now the famous, “had it not been for this (Obama’s stimulus) many more jobs would have been lost." Yeah, and if my Aunt had a pair, she’d be my uncle.

It’s impossible to prove a negative!

But, I guess in Obama’s world, all things are possible, even malicious deception.

Shame on you, Mr. President!

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition

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