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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Isn’t Elena Kagen a Co-Conspirator to the Murder of 50 Million Babies since 1973? (Abortion)

You didn’t hear this question being asked at Elena Kagen’s confirmation hearings for SCOTUS because we live in a country of limited free speech.

Actually, if there are self-imposed limits on speech, how can we even call it “free speech”?

The limits I’m referring to are those imposed by the Left that deceptively re-labels abortion as Women's Health, Woman’s Empowerment, Women's Reproductive Rights, or any other euphemism that misleads the public’s attention away from the reality the of legalized murder of the unborn.

Take away prayer from the public schools so we don’t have to think about God or morality anymore so we can play our words games to our hearts content.

When we allow a segment of society to change our authenticity with the clever manipulations of words, we set the stage for our own slow death.

Freedom of the individual is replaced over time with freedom of the government to do whatever it wants in the guises of “promoting for the general welfare”.

Elena Kagen represents a mindset that has no qualms about taking away our Liberty through word erosion that will gradually strip away our American exceptionalities in exchange for a gray murky pot of collectivism.

Babies will continue to die before even taking a breath of American air because God doesn’t matter and Women’s sensibilities outranks everything else.

And Elena Kagen doesn’t mind at all.

Click to Read The Last Tradition

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