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Monday, August 31, 2009

Carrie, get out your cane...

The wind is in from Africa Last night I couldnt sleep..

sometimes it feels like I'm being held hostage by dirty aliens...what started as a reluctant but necessary look at the other side, the dark side of Santa Barbara, has turned into an obsession..a compulsion to expunge this new-found dirtiness from my life...but no matter how many times I wash my hands of them, the muck is still there..and I blame these people: Gina Perry, Dr. Laura, Wendy, Harley Davidson Jesus Freaks and..well everyone... I mean really....sometimes I wish I was Carrie, I could just close my eyes and get rid of all these jokers, or make them spill their coffee lattes in Starbucks or smack them over the head with a Moe used to do!
are homeless folks the only honest ones left??
I would much rather give a dollar to a homeless person than listen to 5 telemarketers call me up in one day and try to sell me something via a recorded message..THAT IS AGGRESSIVE PANHANDLING: ring..ring: Hello..there's nothing wrong with your credit card, but at Card Services..blah blah blah....and have you heard the fog horn one? the phone rings, a fog horn croaks in the background and some Captain wants to sell me a boat ride...geez..enough already...
Maybe its been too long a time Since I was scramblin down in the street
homeless woman: I asked this woman if I could take her picture for a dollar... Gina calls her a bum!
Wendy McCuckoo..why does Wendy have a lot of money? What allows her to live in a big estate in Hope Ranch, like this one? How about California's community property law which,when you divorce, gives your spouse half of your things even if she had nothing to do with earning them...
Dr. Laura...the NewsPress tried to salvage Dr. Laura's reputation as a cheat, liar and fraud by doing a front page story on her Saturday. She donated a motorcycle to a disabled veteran thru the folks at Harley in Carp..this obviously was a scripted story to show us what a wonderful gal Dr. Laura come the News-Press didn't do a front page story on Dr. Laura's yacht cheating/suspension episodes or Operation Family Fund fraud??
safe and dirty
By GINA PERRY — August 27, 2009
My fingernails are filthy, I got beach tar on my feet And I miss my clean white linen and my fancy french cologne
Like Bogie and Bacall, "safe" and "clean" go together. "Safe and dirty" just doesn’t sound right – or ring true.
As I walk and drive through Santa Barbara these days, I worry. It’s not clean.
The sidewalks on State Street are caked with filth and littered. Our public restrooms are a disgrace. Graffiti can be found on the smallest street signs. And while Santa Barbara has beautiful public spaces, bums have taken up residence in every one of them.....blah blah blah..
ok Gina.. so you have an obsessive compulsive disorder..a cleaning is that the city's problem? but don't despair, here's some help!
Rich Running Scared...
and last but not least, cheezy writer mama's boy Travis Armstrong of the News-Press introduces the new power political group

(anti union anti labor) that is supposedly going to change local politics..but take a look at the shadowy amateurish website: it's slow to load and it's funded by Randall Van Wolfswinkel.. and it's almost as bad as the News-Press website!! First he gives these types of people free publicity in the News-Press, then Travis complains to Iya on his radio station about all the money going to elections saying "just give it to nonprofits"!! He says one thing in the paper editorials and contradicts it in on the radio show!!
BTW, Randy VW is the rich guy giving tons of money to Hotchkiss, Mike Self and all the other News-Press pet candidates..some of his satisfied clients in Texas:rippedoff
Maybe I'll go to amsterdam Or maybe Ill go to rome And rent me a grand piano and put some flowers round my room...

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