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Saturday, August 8, 2009


why drinking and driving won't work...

I get up and head for 7/11 in Carp for the Friday morning coffee and what do I see..a wreck on the side of the road by the intersection.. a big pickup truck smashed into some cars parked in their own driveway.. the dude crunched his truck and a little Jetta...the cops had the driver seated on the curb, asking him questions. Then they stood him up and man was he wobbly and wasted... pissed me off! This jackass could have killed someone..he was barreling down Santa Monica Road, truck loaded with construction gear, maybe he just finished working or partying on Arnold's ranch, and he slams into parked cars!! at 8:00 am!! He's lucky the cops were there because I would have introduced his face to the sidewalk so harshly that he COULD NEVER DRIVE AGAIN...there's children in that house!!! and more importantly, DOGS!!
but he'll probably get a slap on the wrist and be driving next week thanks to a nice wimpy judge...
made me think of some city council candidates and members!
Today's sermon: the evils of alcohol abuse
Every year, more money is spent promoting the use of alcohol than any other product. Perhaps through its elaborate and creative marketing, the most basic, yet important fact about alcohol is often overlooked — alcohol is a drug — the most commonly used and widely abused psychoactive drug in the world.
One concept that many people find difficult to accept is that alcoholism and alcohol problems are a disease. Research has shown that alcohol interacts with the body’s systems in predictable ways to lead to physiological addiction.
Alcoholism is a disease — a chronic, progressive, fatal disease if not treated.
good words from Dallas Texas no less!
here's some local boneheaded lawyers who defend drinking and driving...

ZERO TOLERANCE FOR DRUNK DRIVERS!! no more coddling these nitwits...

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