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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Wincoln, Blinkin and Nod...

the Lincoln Club...

Now that Iya Falcone is (temporarily) (forever) out of the race, let's focus on Dale Francisco. Santa Barbara should not elect this guy to anything, let alone mayor...his city council win in 2007 was achieved because Brian Barnwell was a flake...First off, we have Dale as a certified homophobe and bigot, giving money to YES ON 8 to deny a certain segment of taxpaying citizens their civil rights..regardless what you feel about gay marriage, this is like keeping blacks at the back of the bus..I'm not black and I'm not gay, but I know bigotry when I see it...and I see it. Next, he can't pay off his $15000 campaign debt, and he claims to be a fiscal conservative!
I found an interesting website called the Lincoln Club.
Unfortunately, these groups use great presidents names to push their ultra rightwing agendas...Lincoln would be rolling over in his grave if he saw this...this looks like a white supremacist group!!
This is a group of very white conservatives that crows about its role in recalling Gray Davis and saddling us with Arnold; exults in its role in getting Francisco elected in 2007; there's a bunch of videos on the site that question Obama's citizenship while we are at war with troops on the ground; they question his relationship with Arabs; and they try to use his middle named Hussein to paint him as anti-American! really pathetic, racist stuff...
some of the folks who belong to this club are Brooks Firestone, realtor Brenda Blalock, Strickland lackey Cory Bantilan: Following the 2008 election victory over Hannah-Beth Jackson, Cory was hired by State Senator Tony Strickland to work in Santa Barbara County on his behalf, which he still does. The same Tony Strickland who won't raise taxes on cigarettes because he is owned by the tobacco companies!!
the Santa Barbara Lincoln Club is an off-shoot of the Orange County Club..ANOTHER NON-PROFIT THAT DOESN'T PAY TAXES!!! these folks are all linked together through the Santa Barbara County Republican Party, a special interest PAC!! Both these entities seek donations from conservatives so I know the money comes from the "richest one percent of this country that owns half our country's wealth, five trillion dollars. One third of that comes from hard work, two thirds comes from inheritance, interest on interest accumulating to widows and idiot sons".. Gordon Gecko
SANTA ANA, Calif. – Assistant U.S. Attorney Deirdre Eliot, who told a federal magistrate that Ahmadullah Niazi, brother-in-law of an alleged bodyguard of Osama bin Laden, is a terrorist-sympathizer, runs the risk of being guilty by association herself for supporting a right-wing group that has promoted anti-Islamic rhetoric on its Web sites.In 2004, Eliot gave $2,000 in political contributions to the Lincoln Club of Orange County, a conservative organization with chapters throughout California. The Orange County chapter's newsletters are riddled with topics on "fundamentalist Islam" and "radical Islamists."
ok, so we know who Dale hangs with: bigots, racists, and wealthy sugar goodness, is that what you want representing Santa Barbara??

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