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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Obama Wants To Remove the Secret Ballot

What is the Employee Free Choice Act and why does President Barack Obama love it so much? It’s smoothly packaged as legislation that would help union members attain better wages, better healthcare, and more financial security for all.

Sounds great, right?

But, what lies beneath the silky packaging that sounds so wonderful, just like our velvet tongued president? Hidden among all the superb promises that this bill makes, is a provision removing the rights of all union members to cast a secret ballot. In other words, the union rank and fill would have to publicly vote in full view of union officials on all issues.

Think of the impact?

Union members would be open to hostile intimidation if they do not support the Union leadership. Another facet of this most dishonest legislation is to make a concerted effort to strong-arm private businesses to unionize their workforce.

Casting a secret ballot is one of our most time honored tenants of the United States Constitution. But, President Barack Obama, who received 64 million dollars from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) for his presidential campaign, wants to do an end run around the Constitution.

This is how socialists roll!

They like to remove individual rights to increase the reach and power of the central government.

54% of Chrysler Motors is now controlled by the United Auto Workers Union (UAW). Now President Obama wants to go after other businesses and this legislation, if passed, would make it a whole lot easier for him.

Employee Free Choice Act?

Ha, it should be called the Employee No Choice Act.

Are you paying attention to what’s happening to your country?

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition, 5/24/09

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