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Friday, September 18, 2009

Pelosi Needs to Apologize to America

Yes America, the Democrats have reached the desperation stage!

In a disgusting display of dubious emotionalism, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, third in line to the presidency, had the nerve to label the rhetoric of opposition to President Obama’s attempt to nationalize health care as akin to the kind of debate she witnessed in San Francisco during the early 70s over the issue of gay rights.

“This kind of rhetoric was very frightening and it created a climate in which violence took place,” said Pelosi.

In 1978, former San Francisco Supervisor Dan White assassinated Mayor George Moscone and an openly gay politician named Harvey Milk. Milk has since become a hero and martyr for the Homosexual lobby as demonstrated by Sean Penn winning the Academy Award for Best Actor for portraying Harvey Milk.

Nancy Pelosi and the rest of her cohorts in the Democrat Party are sinking to new lows, even for them.

It wasn’t bad enough that they dragged out 84 year old former President Jimmy Carter to swing the Racism-hatchet against millions of Americans who do not want to see an overhaul of the health care system; Pelosi goes even further by claiming strong opposition can lead to violence.

Someone needs to ask Mrs. Pelosi, and I won’t hold my breath waiting for it to happen, where was her concern for the feelings of her fellow Americans when she referred to ordinary citizens who attended Town Hall meetings as “Astro-Turf”? Where was her worry when she accused the same people of carrying Swastikas? Where was her apprehension when she accused her fellow Americans of being un-American for simply protesting?

Once again the Lowly Liberals are engaging in emotional blackmail!

Pelosi can’t sell Obama Care any better than the president. So, she tries to compensate for her lack of oratory skills by irresponsibly doubling down on emotional manipulation by making the false inference that boisterous opposition can lead to President Obama being shot dead.

This is totally outrageous on its face and beneath the dignity of the office of Speaker of the House. Or at least it was dignified before Nancy Pelosi took office.

Nancy Pelosi is guilty of the very claims she ascribes to others who disagree with her and the president. In the name of decency, she should immediately apologize to the American people.

I for one, have great respect for the office of president of the United Sates. Whoever sits in that chair gets voted in by the people.


That’s how we roll in this country.

We are not a banana republic like Venezuela.

We don’t live under a dictatorship like Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Syria.

We use ballot boxes, not bullets to effect change.

This is what makes us exceptional!

This is what makes us, Americans!

Maybe Nancy Pelosi will understand that one day, but I won’t hold my breath for that either.

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition, 9/18/09

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