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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

you got to have friends....

I was thinking about friends one day and decided to see how other people like to have friends...the only way I could find out was to go to FaceBook and check out Mike Self's friends..

she's got lots of friends! Frank Hotchkiss is her friend..the SBBLOG's guy is her friend, altho it says that Editor Bird is a she!! NOW WE KNOW!!! umm...hey there's Joe Armendariz..he's Mike's friend...and there's plenty more...nonprofits are Mike's friends...she belongs to the Native Daughters of the Golden West, who supposedly do all kinds of nice things but are a group rooted in racism...
Tokyo Rose
She asked Japanese authorities to imprison her with other American nationals, but instead, she was forced to work on
the English-language "Zero Hour" radio program, joining more than a dozen other English-speaking women who broadcast under the collective nickname Tokyo Rose. Toguri was the only civilian at Radio Tokyo who chose not to renounce her U.S. citizenship---and ironically, became the only Tokyo Rose arrested by U.S. authorities.
Befriending three POWs who had broadcast experience before their capture and were covertly subverting Japanese propaganda broadcasts, she risked her life for them, purchasing food, medicine and tobacco. These men would later travel long distances to defend her in court.
Walter Winchell, the red-baiting columnist who could destroy politicians and create millionaires, vigorously campaigned against her. The American Legion and the Native Sons and Daughters
of the Golden West issued strong protests, and the Los Angeles City Council passed a resolution opposing her return on the curious basis that she might adversely influence "loyal" Japanese Americans.
TROSE Bill Cirone getting smaller??
It took me an hour.. ONE FUCKING HOUR!!!! to get into Santa Barbara today...the traffic was backed up, racked up, hacked up and it occured to me if the parents of all these people had just aborted them, I could have made it into SB in no time at all! C'mon people, what do you think they make coat hangers for..
now get bloody busy!!!

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