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Monday, September 7, 2009

Was Obama Born in Hawaii or Kenya? Step-N-Fetch It Media Doesn’t Care

“Those crazy Birthers!”

That’s what Chris Matthews and other members of the MSM refers to the people in this country who believe that Barack Obama was born outside the United States.

The members of the enslaved press have gone into “protect mode” and have thus far successfully marginalized these people who only want the truth to be settled once and for all. They characterize them as WingNuts, short for Right Wing Conservatives that want to bring down the president.

I don’t know the truth.

But, in light of the Van Jones affair, the MSM has a huge credibility problem and it’s only getting worse.

In Virginia, Republican Bob McDonnell is leading in all the polls for the governorship of the state. Of course the Washington Post, one of the charter members of the MSM, has actually reverted into “journalism mode” by digging up a 20 year old masters thesis written by McDonnel that contain views some might find offensive.

The particulars of what he wrote are not germane to this article. That’s up to the voters of Virginia to mull over and decide their vote.

However, where is this zeal by the MSM concerning Barack Obama’s place of birth?
What’s at issue here is the selective professionalism by the press. They have no problem digging really deep to inform the public about candidates that they differ with ideologically.

But, when it comes to ideological heroes, a wink and a nod suits them just fine.

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition, 9/7/09

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