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Sunday, September 20, 2009

The State of Manhood Today is Pathetic (Ode to John Wayne)

Sometimes I feel like I was born in the wrong time. I can hardly watch television anymore because I can’t stand the way men are portrayed today.

It doesn’t matter whether I’m watching a commercial, a sit-com, or a drama, more likely than not the men are represented as either effeminate, weak, or put more simply chick-a-fied. Think Jon Cryer and you’ll get the idea.

Try to find a John Wayne type, and your search will be a waste of time.

Where are the examples of rugged individualism? Where are the pillars of strength, the toughness, or the self-assured nature of not only a John Wayne, who’s my personal favorite, but also a Gregory Peck, a Gary Cooper, a Lee Marvin, or even Burt Lancaster?

But, it easy to find the whimpering, sobbing, sniveling complaining defuses that passes for manhood nowadays and reign supreme on our TV screens and movie theaters.
Thank you so much, Women’s Liberation Movement, for pushing your ideas of what genders rolls should be, that we have succeeding generations of men who don’t know what it is to be a real man anymore.

In some European countries, they are removing urinals from the boy’s bathroom in grade schools. Apparently, Feminists groups have argued that little boys should urinate like little girls because doing it standing up is hostile act towards women.

Are European men putting up a fight in the name of traditional male behavior? The removal of the urinals should answer that question. And whatever starts in Europe, Liberals in the United States most certainly will want to copy.

We need more John Waynes and less John Cusacks.

God help us!

Samuel Gonzalez, The Last Tradition, 9/20/09

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