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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

24's Ten Greatest Moments (IGN TV)

Jack's days are numbered. So is this countdown of the most memorable events in the shows history.

March 31, 2010 -
SPOILER ALERT: We're counting down the best moments in the show's history. It is top-to-bottom all spoilers.

After eight long days/seasons, Jack Bauer is calling it quits, as 24 comes to an end this season. 24 launched in November 2001, at a time when Americans were eager for someone to kick the crap out of any terrorists who would dare threaten our nation. We couldn't find a better fictional protector than Jack Bauer. He'd sacrifice anything for our safety and cross the line that, in the real world, most would be against crossing.

24 was a revolutionary idea -- a fictional story told in real time over two-dozen episodes. It brought us picture-in-picture scenes, the famed countdown clock and a bloodlust for beloved characters.

When we think of the "best" moments, they are almost always the worst moments for Jack. These are the moments that made us gasp, made us cry and even made us cheer. Here are our 10 favorite moments (plus one honorable mention) from 24.

It's well-established that Chloe O'Brian is not a field agent. She's a computer geek and confidant for Jack Bauer. But on Day 4, there was no one else available to retrieve a hard drive with some crucial data and secure a witness, Nabilla Al-Jamil. It was supposed to be an easy job; it was not.

Robert Morrison, a hit man, was sent to kill Nabilla. In one of the craziest scenes in 24 history, mousey Chloe O'Brian pulled out an assault rifle and took down a professional killer. It's rare for 24 to have moments that get you on your feet, but cheers from 24 fans could be heard around the world when Chloe finally took action. It also lead to the best lines Chloe's ever uttered on the show:

"Edgar, I appreciate your concern. I really do. Just when I shot that guy, I thought I'd go all fetal position. But the truth is I didn't feel anything. At all. I hope I'm not some kind of a psychopath."

Jack Bauer has two well-known phrases. The first was shouted at Nina Myers when he demanded, "Who are you working for?" The other came in the first hour of Day 2, when we discovered that Jack hadn't gotten over the whole wife-getting-murdered thing.

Marshall Goren had something Jack needed. So Jack had him brought in to CTU. We were expecting the usual interrogation techniques from Jack. A lot of threats, maybe a touch of torture. Jack didn't ask any questions when Goren was seated. Instead, he pulled out his gun and shot him point blank in the chest. He then uttered the single greatest line of the series: "I'm going to need a hacksaw."

He only lasted one Day, but Chase Edmunds managed to exit 24 without losing his life -- just his hand.

To prevent psychopath Arthur Rabens from running off with the deadly Cordilla Virus, Chase latched the case containing the biohazard to his arm. Before Rabens was killed, he managed to arm the device. Jack Bauer is great at many things, but disarming devices isn't one of them. Unable to disable the device, there was only one option. Jack grabbed an ax and lopped off Chase's hand, then tossed the device into a fridge, saving the day.

The most shocking ending since the jarring Day 1 finale, Jack's abduction at the end of Day 5 closed out an amazing season. A little history: In Day 4, Jack raided the Chinese consulate and a Chinese national was killed. Even in the real world, that's cause for war. Bloodshed on Chinese soil didn't sit well with Cheng Zhi.

After the hardest day in 24 history, where the majority of CTU stalwart's were murdered, it seemed Jack might have a chance at happiness. He'd won Audrey Raines' heart. Those two crazy kids might even live happily ever after. Before the two could ride off into the sunset, Jack was told he had a call from his daughter. Ah, but it wasn't really a call from Kim. It was a ruse to get Jack's guard down. A bag thrown over his head, Jack was dragged off. When next we saw Jack, he'd spent months being tortured. And he had a bad-ass beard. Epic.

Sherry Palmer epitomizes the majority of characters on 24. She's power-hungry. That describes every terrorist, most of the politicians and a number of members of CTU. In eight seasons, many have gone to great (and often immoral) lengths to secure power, but Sherry takes the cake.

On Day 1, Sherry wanted the presidency more than her husband, Senator David Palmer. And she'd do anything to see her man in office (so long as she was by his side). This included pimping out campaign staffer Patty Brooks to sleep with the Senator so Sherry could keep better tabs on him. Palmer became a fan favorite when he delivered this killer line to Sherry at the end of Day 1: "After today, I never want to see you again... I don't care what this may do to my candidacy. And it's not because I don't want to be President. I do. I just don't think you're fit to be the first lady."

George Mason ranks among the worst bosses in 24's history. The Day 2 Director of CTU looked out for #1 first and foremost, even to the detriment of our nation. Among the "good guys" on 24, there may be no other who was more despised. But on Day 2, Mason redeemed himself with a final heroic act.

Mason was exposed to deadly levels of radiation earlier in the Day and had only weeks to live. We watched as Mason slowly deteriorated physically. It was going to be an end to a fairly worthless life. But then some crazy terrorist put a timer on a nuclear bomb that would lay waste to Los Angeles. CTU couldn't disarm the bomb, so Jack grabbed a small plane and piloted it towards the desert. Mason stowed away on the plane and halfway to its destination told Jack to get out. Mason's one decent act saved Jack's life. He went out a hero, a nice bit of redemption in a series more often focused on the ruination of its characters' morality.

Day 5 brought a high death count to CTU. We knew right away no one was safe when former President David Palmer was assassinated and Michelle Dessler was blown up. Palmer, perhaps the best fictional President TV has ever had, was a devastating strike. And Michelle's death would lead to one of 24's darkest moments -- the surprising (and unwanted) return from the dead of Tony Almeida on Day 7.

These two deaths marked the start of the most brutal season of 24. Both were shocking, but there were far bigger surprises in store.

24 rarely has quiet moments, but one stands out. Nina Myers was in custody, sitting in a plane across from Jack Bauer, the man whose wife she killed several years ago. A few minutes earlier, she'd slashed a man's throat open with a broken credit card and secured a deal to be released from Federal custody. Jack didn't scream or scowl or threaten Nina. Instead, he said in as calm a voice as he has ever used:

"The Sunday before you killed my wife, Teri and I went to the boardwalk in Venice just watching all the rollerbladers and musicians, laughing at the crazy people, spending time together. And Teri sees this snow-cone stand. She giggles like a kid. She takes off running. She wants to get in line. She wants one. I remember I was watching her, I was just… I couldn't help myself. When I look up at her she's talking to this old lady in line behind her and the two of them are laughing, and I'm thinking to myself, How the hell does she do that? How does she strike up a conversation with an absolute stranger? And they just start laughing. Like they'd been friends forever. That's a gift. I remember thinking, God, I wish I could do that. But I can't. That was Teri. My wife. That's what you took from this world, Nina. That's what you took from me and my daughter. I just wanted you to know that."

Edgar Stiles was a bit of a dunderhead and often seemed a step behind uber-geek Chloe O'Brian. He was as sweet and innocent as a little bunny rabbit. Killing Edgar would be like killing a child -- and you rarely ever see a child die on network TV. No one saw it coming and that's what made it hurt the most.

When Sentox nerve gas was released into CTU, the surviving members realized they had one chance: seal off the ventilation in one room and hide there until the gas could be dissipated. But as Chloe surveyed the lucky few who made it to the conference room, she realized Edgar wasn't among them. The poor guy stumbled to the glass window moments before he died. Was there anyone watching who didn't shout, "Not Edgar!"? The clock did not tick at the commercial break.

Ryan Chappelle was always a pain in the ass. Director of CTU, Chappelle refused to bend the rules and rarely had Jack's back. Certainly some wanted to see bad things happen to Chappelle so Jack could get his job done. But Chappelle's final fate was surprisingly powerful and even now gives us goose bumps.

It wasn't the first time a terrorist had ordered Jack to do something terrible. But this time, Jack had no out. Day 3 baddie Stephen Saunders, twisting President Palmer's arm with the threat of unleashing a deadly virus, ordered the execution of Ryan Chappelle. When Jack failed to find Saunders in time, he had no choice but to comply with the demand. Chappelle was offered a chance to call someone for his final words, but he had no family and no loved ones. He tried to do the honorable thing and kill himself to spare Jack the guilt, but couldn't pull the trigger. "I'm sorry we let you down, Ryan," Jack said as he put the muzzle to the back of Chappelle's head. "God forgive me."

If anyone had doubts about 24 as a viable series, they were removed in the final moments of Day 1. Teri Bauer, who sacrificed her own body to preserve her daughter's innocence, ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Nina Myers had the honor of being CTU's first mole. Jack's former lover became the ultimate betrayer, helping take part in the attempted assassination of presidential candidate David Palmer. Teri stumbled onto Nina as the traitor was preparing her escape. After gagging and tying Teri to a chair, Nina was told by her contact to erase all evidence of her involvement. That meant Teri had to go. It wasn't until Nina had been caught and lead away in handcuffs that Jack found Teri with a bullet in her chest. He fell to the ground, cradling her as the final second on the clock ticked down. Teri's death served as a powerful ending to one very long day and the signature moment for the series.


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