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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Blacks and Latinos Stay Willingly Ignorant and Democrats Take Advantage

I’ve been called confused and misinformed by friends and relatives who are Black or Latino because I’m a Conservative.

This is nothing new because I know it’s the other way around.

However, it’s very hard to explain that to them because the “ignorance” that enslaves the Blacks and Latinos in this country is so strongly embedded in the culture, that it would be easier to convert Osama bin Laden to Christianity than to get Blacks and Latinos to break from their loyalty to Liberalism and the Democrat Party.

Take for example the reports by some Black congressman last week that they were called “nigger” by protestors of health care reform.

Now, there was no audio or video evidence of this and if there were, it would have made it to MSNBC, or CNN faster than a coyote can woof down a mouse.

However, it doesn’t matter whether or not the incident was true. The mission was accomplished anyway by the Black congressmen who made the claim.

Here’s the dirty.

The reason this story was put forth is because Democrats know that the Blacks and Latinos that constitute their base would believe the story ON FACE VALUE!

When the story is believed hook, line and sinker it feeds the perception that’s already held in the Black and Latino communities that the protesters were all a bunch of wicked racist Republicans who hate a Black man in the White House and see how evil they are.

Mission accomplished!

This type of thing that Democrats do on a regular basis is what I call “maintenance”.

Democrats need to feed the beast on a regular basis to keep Blacks and Latinos in line mentally. It’s a form of mind enslavement that works over and over again because Democrats know it’s extremely difficult for Blacks and Latinos to pay the cultural price of breaking out of the socialized template that they are locked into,

When they do, then they are called “Uncle Tom”, “Handkerchief Head” , “Oreo Cookie” And let me point out, all these terms were INVENTED LIBERALS!

Democrats know how to work their hustle.

It’s up to the individual in the Black and the Latino community to realize and recognize in the words of Malcolm X , “ya’ll been took and bamboozled” and you let the Dems do it to you time after time.

In your heats, you know its true.

The Last Tradition

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