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Tuesday, March 30, 2010


donors with boners!!
some mornings I just don't know where to start..

first we got the RNC and the Young Eagles..apparently the RNC grooms the young conservatives called Young Eagles by taking them to strip clubs like the Voyeur in LA. I wonder if they are the same youngsters as our local Young Republicans Club.. I guess the thinking is that in the future it's easier to get money from donors with boners!
then we got Lanny Ebenstein praising Joe Centeno for calling a committee together to look at county retirement long has Joe been on the Board of Supervisors? ten years?? twenty years?? he had a conservative majority for the last four years and now he's concerned with retirements? pure politics... Joe was was/is a member of Lanny's nonprofit Santa Barbara County Taxpayers come Lanny never said anything about Joe's assistant Gil..the drunk guy who made $70000/year "assisting" Joe..or the financial mess/controversy in Centeno's cemetery district??
then we got # 69 on the front page of the Nooz-Press crowing about her new digs in Solvang for the Animal Rescue Team.....apparently some nice folks who read the NP have been sending her nonprofit money to keep her dream alive...ok..I got no prob with Julia now unless she tries to over-rescue again...
now..let's meet my new favorite conservative Debbie Schlussel who outs Sean Hannity as the huckster that he is..and she exposes Hannity non-profit charity as a scam, claiming that money never went to the intended war related victims. "In fact, less than 20%–and in two recent years, less than 7% and 4%, respectively–of the money raised by Freedom Alliance went to these causes, while millions of dollars went to expenses, including consultants and apparently to ferry the Hannity posse of family and friends in high style.Keep in mind that a charity is considered reputable if no more than 25% of its revenue goes to expenses and no less than 75% of it goes to the intended charity recipients. Given that, Freedom Alliance’s balance sheets are embarrassing in their shamelessness."
Schlussel alleges that Hannity is, in other words, using the wounded American heroes he claims to champion as tools to enrich himself and surround himself in luxury.
...Dr. Laura and Hannity are pals and frauds of a feather who flock together and both have had charity issues Dr. Laura, who heavily promoted many war related nonprofits including Operation Family Fund, was mute when fraud was discovered among the higher staff...
god almighty, this is too easy sometimes!! but thankfully we have good solid Republicans out there trying to shine some light on these dark characters I call Rupert Murdoch conservatives...

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