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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mitch McConnell Wants to Repeal and Replace Health Reform Law

Democrats may have won this battle simply because they ignored the will of the American people. Now, they’re complaining about threats and violence upon their members.

There’s a saying from “the hood” which by the way votes 95% Democrat, “Don’t start none, wom’t be none!”

It’s the Democrats who brought this blowback on themselves by proceeding to drag this country to the Left.

Now, I’m advocating violence in any way shape or fashion. However, don’t start crying or getting scared now about passing Obama Care. You weren’t scared enough to vote “No” on this legislation.

So, don’t be scared now and lay down in the bed which you have made.

The Politico reports:

Refusing to concede permanent defeat on health reform, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell wants to “repeal the whole bill” and replace it with insurance reforms and other measures that could get bipartisan agreement.

“They got health care,” McConnell told POLITICO with a mischievous glint in his eye. “We’ll see whether that’s a gift worth receiving.”

McConnell said that if Republicans were to win back the Senate majority in November, “at the top of our list would be to repeal and replace this health care bill.”

It’s a far-fetched promise, because McConnell would need 67 votes in order to override President Barack Obama’s certain veto. But Republicans in the House and Senate are saying “repeal and replace” might be a GOP battle cry in this fall’s midterm races.

“This is what’s on the minds of the American people,” McConnell said in an interview for the POLITICO video series “Health Care Diagnosis.” “They’ve been riveted on it like a laser for the last year, and they would like to see us make significant changes. We’d repeal the Medicare cuts; we’d repeal the tax increases.”

The veteran Kentucky legislator even made the bold claim that at the beginning of next year, “a number of Democrats may be interested in revisiting this health care monstrosity as well.”

“If the Democrats end up having a bad election this November, I think they may well want to join us in revisiting some of the more unpleasant aspects of this bill which will be on full display during the fall campaign,” he said.

McConnell also said the state attorneys general who have challenged the new law’s constitutionality have “a legitimate concern.”

“State governments have a lot of grievances,” he said. “They’re going to get stuck with significant Medicaid costs down the road, which is why you have so many governors upset on a bipartisan basis. And they’re worried about the individual health insurance mandate, and I think it’s a legitimate lawsuit.”

During the interview in his Capitol suite, McConnell was celebrating a centennial: his 100th floor speech on health reform since June 1 — a steady-as-she-goes opposition that certainly delayed the president’s plan, even though it didn’t ultimately derail it.

“I think we came close to preventing this 2,700-page monstrosity from being perpetrated,” McConnell said. “It got 60 votes in the Senate, which was the bare minimum.”

Asked if he regretted not working more with the White House and Democratic leadership so that more Republican ideas were included, McConnell said: “It was pretty clear from early on ... [that] the only thing they were inclined to do was to throw a few bones in our direction and get us to swallow a major reorganization of one-sixth of our economy
Full story

Via Politico

Via Memeorandum

The Last Tradition

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