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Friday, March 26, 2010

a Brooke runs through it...

ties that bind...
Brookes Firestone
, the bumbling fumbling ex-county supervisor who helped increase the local debt, wrote a letter to the states that Doreen Farr and Janet Wolf received money from unions and that voters need to beware of this it seems that Brookes and other conservatives think that unions own Farr and Wolf...let's analyse this. The 620 represents about 1800 county employees and Brooks says Wolf got about $100,000 from "the union"..ok, so if you divide $100000 by 1800 workers that comes out to about $56 per worker given to the let's look at Brookes' money situation: little rich kid who inherited his wealth; never had to work for a living; didn't do squat the last four years as county supe and who recently gave $5000 to Dan Secord, another old dude gumming up the gov't works by running again! so Brookes gives $5000 compared to a union worker's $ you see how the working collective is more effective sometimes than the pampered wealthy individual..of course you do if you work for a living....
now, the reason Brookes thinks this way is because he's a pussy and he's got a pussy son who works for pussy Ty Warner who's losing his properties because he bought too much and is defaulting like the rest of the idiots who thought the well would never dry up...
now do me a favor and look at the last eight years: Arnold, Bush, Darryl Issa, Enron, Brookes and Centeno, Madoff, AIG etc and tell me who ran America into the ground...the working class or the white collar pussies? I think we know the answer....

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