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Friday, March 12, 2010

enlighten up...

if you're cosmically conscious you'll see...
back during the human potential movement, people were seeking enlightenment and awareness of the self...people sought gurus, teachers, and all sorts of muddied characters to help them find the way..but my question has always been how can I find enlightenment with so many assholes around? I can''s impossible. So I went on another path to try to understand human behavior so I could get a leg up, so to speak, on my fellow man..well, actuallly fellow women? Ok.. so I read and went to school and worked and observed and sweated and toiled and used to sit on the side of Camino Cielo and watch the Sunburst farmers market bus go up and down Mountain Drive every morning taking their goods to town..well I later found that people don't appreciate being analysed by a hack like me, so I dropped my pretending and started getting involved more...walking the walk and that's when things got more interesting...say what you mean and don't worry too much about hurting anyone's's alot worse when you lie to them..and of course, accepting the same from it riles me to no end when someone like Dr. Laura pretends to be radio "psychologist", telling some teenager not to sleep with her cousin, or some such nutty predicament she makes up for entertainment's sake..riles me to no end, that quack.
so I'm reading a freebie called Vision magazine out of San Diego, a catalyst for conscious living as opposed to unconscious living like most of you, not because I need to get my palm read, but because I need to keep an eye on the hucksters..and there's alot of them..but I come across an ad about the PALA Casino and Resort, in Pala California...a little Indian Reservation in north San Diego...if you want to go and you have no reservations, you need to make a reservation!
two people of interest will be appearing there: James Van Praagh, a medium, clairvoyent and an obvious quack; and Dr. Laura, a quack doesn't say much about what each will be offering, but I imagine it will be like a carnival freak show..only under those conditons would I see some's billed as an Evening with Dr. Laura brought to you by Bill Silva...who will book any and everyone from Paul McCartney to Sting...weird. what does it say about your career when you're playing a little Indian Casino by San Diego?? as one recent traveler said: As I checked in, my credit card was charged a refundable $200 fee "in case something is missing from the room," the desk clerk told me. Do I look like someone who would stuff a TV in my overnight bag? I think not. The downsides: The town of Pala, 15 miles north of Escondido, isn't exactly a visitor magnet, and state Highway 76, which leads inland from the coast, can really jam up, but it's being widened and realigned. gee, sounds like fun!!
Anyway, maybe Dr. Laura will do a striptease because I can't see any real reason to pay $71 to see her although she is on the cheap end of the price can see the Eagles for $353!
so what does all this mean? it means there's only one man in California enlightened enough to govern it in today's political climate..and that man is Moonbeam Jerry Brown... if he isn't elected Governor, the California we all know and love will be lost a bunch of cheap hucksters...

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