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Saturday, March 13, 2010

how now brown cow...

organized religion and non-profits share the same sleaze factor..
charity begins at home:
Without question, the Boys & Girls Club of America has done an admirable amount of charity work for the youth of this nation. But when CEOs like Roxanne Spillett take home a total salary of $988,591, it makes some good Republican senators nervous. It makes them so nervous that they begin to question whether her organization should be receiving the millions in instant money federal funds they take in each year, according to The Huffington Post.
And Roxanne Spillett has been closing various Boys & Girls clubs
Tax filings indicate that in the same year that Roxanne Spillett took home nearly $1 million, organization officials spent "$4.3 million on travel, $1.6 million on conferences, conventions and meetings and $544,000 in lobbying fees." That’s high overhead for a non-profit that’s closing down locations. If only the children could tap their blueblood country club buddies into this – then perhaps they’ll be able to keep Boys & Girls clubs open. Maybe the leftovers would be enough for a foosball table, maybe even a box of store brand popsicles!
Two months after the financially troubled Boys & Girls Clubs of Santa Clara Valley announced — then quickly rescinded — the closure of its five clubhouses, the nonprofit announced Tuesday that it was indeed shuttering three of the facilities, effective Sunday.
To be closed as a cost-saving measure is the Santa Paula Clubhouse, 1400 Harvard Blvd., the organization said. Shutting down due to what it said was a reduction in grant funding are the Rancho Sespe Clubhouse, 2950 E. Telegraph Road, Fillmore, and the Neil C. Schmidt Clubhouse, 642 Lemon Way, North Fillmore.
Remaining open are the Las Piedras Clubhouse, 431 13th St., Santa Paula, and the Fillmore Clubhouse, 565 First St.
Earlier this month, the Fillmore City Council granted a request from the nonprofit to reduce the rent on the city-owned First Street facility from $1,000 a month to $1 a year.
In a written statement to the press, the Santa Paula-based nonprofit said the closures are part of "a reorganization and revitalization strategy" developed by its Board of Directors over the past three months "to strengthen service delivery and to ensure stability."
the Pope is a very creepy dude...
VATICAN CITY — Germany's sex abuse scandal has now reached Pope Benedict XVI: His former archdiocese disclosed that while he was archbishop a suspected pedophile priest was transferred to a job where he later abused children.
The pontiff is also under increasing fire for a 2001 Vatican document he later penned instructing bishops to keep such cases secret.
Texas conservatives want to rewrite history!
from Glen Smith
The Civil Rights Movement created "unrealistic expectations of equal outcomes" among minorities, according to Texas conservatives trying to rewrite American history textbooks. They want students to learn that bit of undemocratic, phony history.
Imagine Thomas Jefferson opening the Declaration of Independence with, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, no one should have unrealistic expectations of human equality..."
The Texas State Board of Education, dominated by anti-evolution, authoritarian ideologues, has made news around the world for trying to rewrite history. They want Confederate President Jefferson Davis' words given equal treatment with President Abraham Lincoln's. Now there's an example of an unrealistic expectation of equality.
This is all taking place in the Texas textbook adoption process, a process that influences books studied by students around the country. Texas is big, and its schools order a lot of books. To keep costs down, textbook publishers push those books in other states.
I'm outraged, of course, and I'm sure you are, too. But really, this is no surprise. The Right lives in a hierarchical universe. Authoritarian ideology comes with a rigid caste system. Some are higher on the ladder. Others -- usually non-whites -- are lower. God created us unequal. In their world, it's immoral to "get above your raisin" or your genetic inferiority.
The Civil Rights Movement was all about an America that lived up to its ideals and founding documents. There is perhaps so single phrase that better captures those ideals than Jefferson's "all men are created equal." The phrase bedevils conservatives because it doesn't fit the way they see the world. To dodge its egalitarian call, they rewrite history....

a cow – a poor creature that exists as a milk producing factory with no critical thinking capacity ie, a neo Republican Christian

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