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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Obama Administration Ignoring Pro-Life Democrats in Health Care Reform Debate

Bart Stupak

When former community organizer, Barack Obama, was state senator from Illinois, he actually defended a bill that denied medical services to babies who were survivers of botched abortion attempts.

That’s how much this president doesn’t care about the sanctity of life. Some Pro-Life Democrats like Bart Stupak want to remove the language in Obama Care that provides federal funding of abortions.

However, Obama, Reid and Pelosi are so desperate to install government run health care that they are not considering Stupak’s concerns.

National Review Online reports:

Sitting in an airport, on his way home to Michigan, Rep. Bart Stupak, a pro-life Democrat, is chagrined.

“They’re ignoring me,” he says, in a phone interview with NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE. “That’s their strategy now. The House Democratic leaders think they have the votes to pass the Senate’s health-care bill without us. At this point, there is no doubt that they’ve been able to peel off one or two of my twelve. And even if they don’t have the votes, it’s been made clear to us that they won’t insert our language on the abortion issue.”

According to Stupak, that group of twelve pro-life House Democrats — the “Stupak dozen” — has privately agreed for months to vote ‘no’ on the Senate’s health-care bill if federal funding for abortion is included in the final legislative language.

Now, in the debate’s final hours, Stupak says the other eleven are coming under “enormous” political pressure from both the White House and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.).

“I am a definite ‘no’ vote,” he says. “I didn’t cave. The others are having both of their arms twisted, and we’re all getting pounded by our traditional Democratic supporters, like unions.”

Stupak notes that his negotiations with House Democratic leaders in recent days have been revealing.

“I really believe that the Democratic leadership is simply unwilling to change its stance,” he says.

“Their position says that women, especially those without means available, should have their abortions covered.”
The arguments they have made to him in recent deliberations, he adds, “are a pretty sad commentary on the state of the Democratic party.”
Full story

There have been 50 million babies killed since 1973. That sounds like an American Holocaust to me.

Via National Review Online

Via Memeorandun

The Last Tradition

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