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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Age of Obama is Crumbling Before Our Eyes

I have been noticing while speaking to my Liberal friends that they don’t seem to have the same kind of swagger to their walk. They don’t want to carry a conversation about Obama for any length of time anymore.

Could reality be setting in in only 11 months of the Obama presidency?

Could they be begrudgingly admitting with their loss of swagger in their gate or bass in their voice, (if they ever had any bass in their voices, these are Obama supporters after all), that President Barack Hussein Obama (mm, mm, good) has as much substance to him as Rosie O’Donnell has brains?

Could they finally be witnessing that all that eloquence Obama throws around with the help of his trusty teleprompter is not the end all be all they thought was enough to be an effective president?

Conservatives, or at least the real Conservatives not named David Brooks, knew the real Obama all along. We saw past the great smile and the expensive tailored suits.

“Pretty decisive president you got there,” I said to my friend, “maybe he’ll send McKristol more troops by Christmas. This is what happens when you elect a Community Organizer president. ”


Dead silence.

I just hope this country doesn’t suffer another 911-type attack in the next 3 years and 2 months before this amateur show could be kicked back to Chicago.

From The Last Tradition

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