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Friday, November 20, 2009

Oprah Winfrey: Queen of Daytime TV, Anti-Christ or False Prophet?

Yesterday, Oprah Winfrey, the African American woman, daytime TV talk show host of dubious sexuality, announced that she will be going off the air in 2011.

What will middle-aged White woman, the bulk of Oprah’s audience, do now for their socialization and education? Can they ever survive without the Queen of TV that turned victim-hood-syndrome into a mega-billion dollar marketing empire?

I shudder to think of the consequences of having to be forced to live life without Oprah. How would millions face the world without knowing how she wants them to think or feel?

Her leaving may have catastrophic effects to the U.S. economy far worse than President Obama’s economic plan. Without her, how would we know what books to buy or movies to watch, or what doctors to see and for what?

But seriously folks, Oprah Winfrey should have left the airwaves 23 years ago. She’s done more harm than good for millions. The sad fact is many of her followers are blind to the damage she’s caused.

My theory as to the real reason she’s calling it quits is because she realizes she made a tremendous mistake endorsing Barack Obama. Her show has taken a ratings hit ever since. She said that this man should be president and just enough Americans were fooled into making it happen.

Why should her show be around for the fallout?

But, more importantly than that, Oprah has misled millions away from a relationship with our Lord!

The Oprah effect will still be felt because she intends to start her own cable network. But can we at least start pulling the curtain back and behold what she really is?

From The Last Tradition

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