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Saturday, November 7, 2009

fair and tender ladies...

if I were on Death Row, my last meal request would be a Carrie Prejean/Sarah Palin sandwich!
so there's a sex tape of Carrie Prejean that made her suddenly drop her lawsuit against the California Miss USA pageant..this nice conservative Christian girl (ie sex maniac) apparently likes to play with herself and film it! These two, Sarah and Carrie, are so passionate in their stupidity and so beautiful physically that it just makes me feel like a rutting moose!
and here's an excerpt from an interview with sweet innocent Carrie from funnyman Sean Hannity..
HANNITY: You know, it is kind of amazing that I think a lot of the intolerance in the country now is coming from the left. If you look at David Letterman's comments about Governor Palin, if you look at this — the Playboy magazine, you know, the comments about women and a list of conservative women.
This has not been a defining issue. You're a Christian. You're a conservative. You have social conservative values(ie, you're a perv). This is not — you told us in the last interview this is not the defining issue for you in your life, is it?
PREJEAN: No, this is not — this is not — this is nothing to do with me against any particular group or — you know, this is nothing to do with meet hating gays or whatever.
I mean, this is — bottom line, I answered a question at a beauty contest. And now I am being punished. I am being dethroned because of the answer that I gave. I mean, this is what it came down to.
I'm not in breach of contract. I haven't signed any book deal or signed with any business proposal. Bottom line is, this is all happening because of the answer that I gave, Sean, and I think the majority of Americans know it.
HANNITY: Your attorney put out a statement today that this Keith Lewis from the pageant is bordering on slander and — by attacking you. Is he begging for a lawsuit? Is there — do you think there will be legal action?
PREJEAN: I'm not sure. That's definitely something that my lawyers are looking into.

Court Appointed Special Advocates! Look out the other way!!!
nonprofit CASA teams with Dr. Laura to "save the children"!
Dr. Laura will be hawking her new book at a special breakfast in her honor on November 15, 9:00 am at 118 E. Figueroa, across from the Courthouse. Actually, I found out too late the event was at the Birnam Wood Golf Club in Montecito!!
Now, I got no problem with CASA advocating for children, if that is what they really do...
but when they pull Dr. Laura into the mix, red flags go up. Do I need to remind CASA of Dr. Laura's recent yacht cheating episode? or her son's depiction of child molestation while he was in the armed services? or her fraudulent use of Dr to imply she is a doctor of psychology? her patented hypocrisy? The woman is a phony and why CASA is promoting her book is probably money related ie, she gives money to CASA and they pay her back with some publicity to bolster her image...disgusting!! and all they want is a couple hundred bucks per person for the privilege of meeting Dr. Laura!!
CASA has a history of inefficiency and even child abuse...
If a girl needs a court-appointed special advocate, there is turmoil in her life, frequently from abuse or neglect. But the CASA is there to help her get from a temporary bad situation into a safe and healthy environment -- perhaps a permanent home.But when the CASA molests her, she could wind up spending the rest of her life dealing with that abuse.
Now a court-appointed advocate in Ausin is in the Travis County Jail, accused of aggravated sexual assault of an 8-year-old girl.
Billy Dan Carroll, 53, was arrested Sunday and was being held Wednesday on a bond of $2 million, according to The Associated Press.
Police have also said that they seized video allegedly showing him having sex with children ranging in age from 3 to 15 and two adult women who appeared to be unconscious.
Police Sgt. Brian Loyd said investigators are trying to determine the identity of the people on tape and hope victims will come forward.
"We don't know where it is going to end up, how many victims we may end up with," Loyd said. "There could be six. There could be 20. There is no telling."
well, then, I'll have sausage and eggs over easy, coffee and orange juice.. oh and Dr. Laura, just one more thing: love your suit!!!

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