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Monday, November 2, 2009

a burning desire...

move over Rover..let Mick take over..

hey, I just thought of something..with Travis leaving town, who's gonna watch over the city? Who's gonna be the new watchdog? Who's gonna keep the city council in line? Lanny? Scott? Joe? Julia? Andy? Gina? all would be good choices as they all know who gots da non-profit-for-profit sugar..but I think a better choice would be....ME! I'll do it as a tribute to the departed Tall T..
here's my first editorial:
City Hall Balls Against the Wall
Mayor Blum..
change your hairstyle.. DO IT!! NOW!! I don't like it!!
Helene Schneider..wear a low neck sweater once in awhile..get back home, Loretta
Dale San Francisco..would it kill you to vote YES just once with your colleagues? It's called being an adult..geez, get a clue Jughead!
Chumash..thank you for bussing the homeless to the casino!
Frank gotta bathroom? ever remodel it? I wanna know about it!!!
Wendy McCaw...Mrs. are the most gracious beautiful woman I've ever seen..your long blonde hair sweeps across your shoulders like a painter sweeps his brush across the canvas, or a wild goose that flies with the moon on her wing! I like your big Hollywood sunglasses and the way you stand up for the over-privileged! I think you should hire me!
Developers..stop cutting down trees to build your stupid houses!
Lois look like a fried clam!!
Mike Self..if a person works 30 years at a city job, a dedicated career of public service, she's a "special interest"?? according to you... you fucking lazy fat dumpy stupid old bitch!!
city workers...lunch is 45 minutes, some of you lounge around for an hour or two..knock it off!! That's taxpayer money you're wasting! Wendy's money.. er, ex-husband's money!
Grant House..stop being such a phony!!!
to that blonde chick in the Planning Dept...lemme stand next to your fire..
Cathie McCammon
..where's your neck dude???
there..I hope I passed the audition...

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