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Sunday, November 22, 2009

walls and bridges...

the poverty of riches...

I went into Santa Barbara to get some pictures of scantily clad girls playing volleyball and to check out the homeless at the Cabrillo battlefield... I mean ballfield...I succeeded on both accounts! First, I stopped at the ballfield and spoke with some homeless folks, who were very nice and funny...I asked them what they thought of the City's Parks Dept plan to put a chain link fence around the field to keep them out..they just laughed and said it was stupid..they said the city never comes here to clean, so they end up doing it! I asked why people are so afraid of them and they looked down and said "we don't know"... neither do I
I looked around a bit more..some guys were playing soccer and the place was not in bad shape except for the restrooms! There was a sign saying this restroom closed due to budget cuts! What a bunch of BS! The city Parks Dept should be ashamed of itself, trying to discriminate against homeless folks, who said if the fence goes up they'll just go to another park! So is Nancy Rapp, the Parks chief, going to put up fences everywhere? the waterfront? What she should do is get her fat ass down to the Cabrillo field and start cleaning restrooms...she's giving the city of SB workers a bad name with lame ideas like a fence..this is America's not an island where we only cater to tourists or wealthy white people!! and the claim that homeless drive away business is bunk..Tri County Produce and Fess Parker's Hotel had plenty of business! The first thing that needs to be done at the bathrooms is open them up and clean them on a regular basis..if there is trouble, that's what we have the cops for..arrest the trouble makers and leave the other folks alone....Nancy, get a crew down there to clean up the restrooms and no excuses!!
now, my next goal was to check out the volleyball players at East Beach...jackpot...I stopped the truck, got out and started snapping when one little cutie started posing, lifting her arms up showing me her boobs, covered of course..but anyway, thanks for the lift baby!!
and you don't solve homelessness with walls..try bridges instead...

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