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Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Entitlement Mentality-Just Give Me What I Need

Yesterday after work I quickly tuned into Sean Hannity’s radio show for a quick second before hopping on the subway. Being Thursday, he has a segment of his show called, “Man on the Street Thursday”. It’s akin to Jay Leno’s “Jay Walking” in which one of Hannity’s staff hands a cell phone over to some commuter and asks basic questions like, “Who is the vice president” Do you know who Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reed is?

On this occasion, I dropped into the middle of a heated argument between Hannity and an African American woman who insisted that Mayor Mike Bloomberg has too much money for one man and that it needs to be taken away from him [by the government] and passed along to other people less fortunate.

“How did Bloombeg make all that money?”

“He ran a successful business,” Hannity said, “He broke no law, and pays his taxes.”

“And who allowed him to make all that money, Sean?” she asked, “The government right, lets be real.”

I couldn’t believe the stuff she was saying. But, then I thought of this video of another Black woman:

Then Sean asked his setup question:

“Then you believe in taking from each according to their ability, to each according to their need, right”

“That’s right. He has too much money for one man.”

“You know who said that?” Hannity asked.

“No, who?

“Karl Marx!”

Now I’m not trying to write another hidden Communists/Barack Obama admirer post. But, that woman is representative to a mentality that I cannot identify with. However, a lot of Leftist thinks that spreading somebody else’s wealth via the claws of government is the way it ought to be.

It made no difference to this woman that Michael Bloomberg is an American success story who took himself from humble beginnings and work his way into becoming a billionaire. The entitlement mentality believers that the less fortunate deserved to be taken cared of.

But, how did they become less fortunate exactly? Oh, I’m not allowed to ask that, right?

The rich, according to the entitlement mentality, are all evil anyway, so why not take it away from them?

These aren’t stupid people. They just have a different worldview that I thank God I do not share. In my opinion, there are two types of people in this country:

1. Those that are about something
2. Those that are not about something

The first group is self-reliant. They make things happen for themselves. These people are the ones who stay in school, or develop marketable skill that helps them put food on the table. These people don’t stay at a minimum wage job without benefits, but rather use it as a stepping stone until something better comes along. This group doesn’t allow outsider forces to keep them from achieving their individual goals. They don’t care who’s sitting in the White House. They overcome barriers because they have a responsibility to themselves or others, because it just has to get done. Some people in this group achieve great success relatively quickly, others may take a lot longer, but their progress is steady.

Now let me talk about the second group in a blunt way. These people are not self-reliant. These are the first people who drop out of school, or never develop a marketable skill that puts food on the table. They always have excuses as to why they're not progressing in their life (racism, unfairness, the teacher doesn’t like me, I’m keeping it real, to name a few…). These are the type of people who do the same things at ages 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and beyond, and would tell you with a straight face at age 48, “I’m just trying to get myself together.” These people have baby mommas or baby daddies spread over different states so child support payments (if they’re even paying it) keeps them in perpetual poverty.

You never hear in Leftist circles, a discussion about the choices people make.

Life is the sum total of all our choices.

It always starts from the standpoint of 5 or 8 choices after the fact, like 70% of African American babies are born out of wedlock.

Self-inflicted wounds are not up for discussion.

Unless we fix our broken families, no amount of money spent by government will ever cure what really ails us. But, the entitlement mentality will always want to be fed by the sweat and toil of others. And it will always be the 1st group people that pays the price.

From The Last Tradition

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